I have a standing seam metal roof, and am looking to install short lengths of gutters in certain locations - over entryways and the HVAC condenser. There is a 1x4 drip edge-spacer board on top of the fascia, and metal drip edge over that. I have 6" half-round gutters, with adjustable bracket mounts that install into the fascia and rafter ends. The problem is that, even if I install the brackets as high as possible on the fascia (i.e. just below the drip edge spacer), they are still low enough that they sit below the roof trajectory, so that in heavy rains, the water would probably just overshoot the gutter. The drip edge is very stiff, and there is no way to install the mounts beneath the drip edge, so my two options are to simply mount the gutters just below the drip edge or mount them on top of the drip edge. Neither seems ideal.
The attached picture shows most of the details at play here in profile, with the mounts attached just below the drip-edge spacer (though this gutter does not have clips installed yet). Any recommendations would be appreciated.
2017-07-23 11:38:25.000000
Do i need to remove gutters before i put the medal
Joshua Wallace
2017-11-22 14:23:52.000000
I would mount them further up and just drill through the bottom leg of the drip edge.
Eric Novotny
2017-07-23 11:48:20.000000
Replies are in the other thread here.