Metal Roof over 1.5" virtical battens

TOPIcs: Installation

Metal Roof over 1.5" virtical battens

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This is a new Passive House, in a rural area. I'm finalizing details before we build. Hip roof, pitch 6-12, Roof trusses 16oc, cathedral ceiling. Insulation will be 20" dense pack cellulose between top and bottom cords of truss. Primary roof closure: OSB with synthetic underlayment taped or ZIP sheathing taped. (unvented) 2x4 vertical battens, with 1/2" or 5/8" plywood decking, synthetic underlayment and Union Corrugated 1" Advantage-LokII metal roof. The primary roof is permeable and vent above. Thanks for any input you have.
Guest User
2017-06-07 16:02:03.000000
So, I take it the plan is decking, vertical battens, more decking, and more underlayment, and then roofing? If that is the case, it sounds like a good plan for energy efficiency and ice dam resistance. I am not sure that underlayment on top of the lower layer of decking is really necessary but I see no harm either.
Todd Miller
2017-06-08 04:52:27.000000