roofing felt touching metal

TOPIcs: Installation

roofing felt touching metal

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I'd stay away from Red Rosin paper....specifically in Florida...we had a conflict with red rosin paper under an aluminum metal roof where the pH level created an acidic environment and burned a hole in the aluminum panel. I'd recommend a synthetic underlayment.
Brian Partyka
2017-05-30 08:12:40.000000
House wrap serves a different purpose than roofing underlayment....I would not recommend house wrap to be used as a roofing underlayment mainly for safety and most important long-term performance. Dupont makes a product in the Tyvek family called Protec 120 Roofing underlyment if you want to use a similar "product".
Brian Partyka
2017-05-30 09:10:41.000000
There are a number of synthetic underlayments in the market...typically 1000 SQ FT per roll that can be nailed...impregnated asphalt felts are designed to "feed" shingles.....please refer to (Synthetic Roofing Underlayment Institute) for a list of synthetic underlyaments.
Brian Partyka
2017-05-30 11:09:21.000000
No worries may have been an isolated design issue however the rosin paper was the culprit
Brian Partyka
2017-05-30 11:10:34.000000
Yes..use a synthetic underlayment over the 30lb felt or in place of the felt. Good luck
Brian Partyka
2017-05-30 14:31:54.000000
i saw the red rosin paper and didnt know what it was for!
Guest User
2017-05-30 03:17:58.000000
what about tyvek house wrap between the tar paper and metal?
Guest User
2017-05-30 09:03:34.000000
thanks to all that have answered, but i guess i havent been clear with my question. imagine someone has a gun to your head. they have a roof already covered with 30 pound felt and a bunch of metal on the ground. they tell you to choose between putting the metal on the felt, touching, or to put something between them to keep them from touching. the gun is cocked. what decision do you make? do you put something between them and if so what?
Guest User
2017-05-30 10:54:07.000000
sigh. im sorry but this is very frustrating. you guys are very smart and really know your field, i am sure of it. but institute white papers are not what i require. i just want to know if i need to put something between my metal roofing and my felt. all i want is a straight answer. no warranties or commitments. should i put something between these two materials???? even if its grocery sacks and sunday papers. thats all. i have what i have, im dealing with the situation i have created and am just trying to make the right decision going forward. i guess i will go hang out at the home depot parking lot and ask some roofer.
Guest User
2017-05-30 13:31:43.000000
Being in Florida, you may know this, but underlayment must meet code and the product approval for the metal roof you're installing. 30-pound felt is a reasonable underlayment but, if you are installing a roof that has a lot of contact with the underlayment, you should use a slip sheet on top of the 30 pound felt. You could use a synthetic underlayment or something like red rosin paper.
Todd Miller
2017-05-29 22:14:49.000000
Thanks Brian. I had never run into that before on rosin paper!
Todd Miller
2017-05-30 10:10:00.000000
Thanks ... this thing has taken some twists and turns. Per my original response, though: if you are installing a roof that has a lot of contact with the underlayment, you should use a slip sheet on top of the 30 pound felt. You could use a synthetic underlayment or something like red rosin paper. So, the answer is "yes". I would not install a vertical seam panel direct to 30 pound felt in your area. Based upon subsequent responses, I think that synthetic underlayment would be a good option, either over the 30 pound felt ... or all by itself. Again, though, you will need to make sure that what you're doing meets local building code requirements as well as any special requirements under the Florida building product approval for the product you're installing.
Todd Miller
2017-05-30 13:40:55.000000
ive gotten myself into a corner. it doesnt matter now how i got there, i am there. if i put 30 pound roofing felt directly under the metal roofing will it corode or in any way harm the metal? if so, should i seperate them with a layer of house wrap? thank you.
jk pendleton
2017-05-29 21:57:14.000000