Specifying low solar reflectivity, not IR

TOPIcs: Energy Efficiency

Specifying low solar reflectivity, not IR

RETURN TO Energy Efficiency
I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder but, especially until it weathers, unpainted (or, really, clear coated) Galvalume is one of the shinier metal roof options. There are some glow gloss / low sheen painted products that may be better suited.
Todd Miller
2017-05-09 09:58:13.000000
I am on the design review board for a Property Owners Association. One of the owners is requesting to use an unpainted Galvalume roof. We require that any metal siding or roofing must have low glare from neighbor perspective. We are not concerned with Infrared. What is your opinion of his request meeting this requirement? And how should we better specify this in our legal documents?
Cynthia Sembower
2017-05-09 08:38:30.000000