Great picture! Folks would call that a top wall flashing ... or perhaps end wall flashing. Depending upon the profile of the metal roof you're installing, you will also want some sort of closure in the "voids" -- either a Z Channel or a foam closure in all likelihood.
Todd Miller
2017-05-12 15:39:23.000000
I am going to add a metal lean to roof to the back of my garage. The garage wall is vinyl siding. My question is how do I flash the corrugated metal roof to the wall, I plan on flashing behind the ledger board and under the vinyl, but now sure how to flash over the roofing.
Roger Tyree
2017-05-05 14:51:51.000000
What is that flashing called that extend from beneath the siding to what looks like 6 to 8 inches down the metal roof?
Roger Tyree
2017-05-12 15:35:58.000000
Thank you
Roger Tyree
2017-05-12 21:23:31.000000
Unzip the vinyl siding and flash to the sheathing on the wall. Trim the vinyl siding and be sure to maintain proper relief spacing off of the roof surface to keep it from overheating.
Should look something like this.