Exposed fastener vs Standing Seam

TOPIcs: Installation

Exposed fastener vs Standing Seam

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What are your thoughts on exposed fastener screws? I'm looking at both the Standing Seam and Exposed but hearing a lot of flack against the fasteners. How are they rating in todays standards, are there still a lot of people having leaks from the seals wearing out? I'm going to need some hard facts for convincing reasons. Looking forward to your response, Thanks, Mike
Mike Gribble
2017-03-03 15:25:57.000000
If you can avoid them, you should. They are a consumable/wear item and will break down over time and become a service item. Most leaks, in my observations, are due to poor installation. They do still breakdown, but most of the leaks we see are premature because of poor installation.
Eric Novotny
2017-03-03 16:20:44.000000