metal roof insulation

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metal roof insulation

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Eric You said put the foil facing the underside of the metal roof, isn't the foil suppose to be facing the inside of the attic? Perhaps it's different for metal any case I'm planning on reroofing my house with metal, I'm going to put plywood between the rafters and the metal roofing. What's the best material to place between the plywood and the metal for sound dampening and as a water barrier? Thanks
Guest User
2017-02-11 22:59:52.000000
can i put foil faced insulation between 1by 4 perlin under metal roof
glenn robinson
2017-01-26 14:04:51.000000
Yes. If you have an airspace and venting from top to bottom, put the foil facing the underside of the metal roof. Where is the home located?
Eric Novotny
2017-01-28 20:56:24.000000
If you are created a vent space, the radiant barrier faces the hotter surface.
Eric Novotny
2017-02-12 07:03:26.000000