I just paid a lot of money for this, here's what my friend has to say:
Hi, I recently took delivery of a custom made small mobile home. we didn't have a chance to inspect it before it was delivered, and.this is the first time I've had a chance to look at it closely.
I'm no expert, but i do have some experience, and this flashing looks all vary wrong to me. there are places in every single window corner for water to get in, and nothing i can see that will stop it.
most concerning to me is how the skylight is flashed, or rather isnt flashed at all. on all sides and especially the downslope side (10th picture from the bottom), there is no flashing whatsoever and the ridges of the roof are exposed. on the downslope side its also cut vary far from the skylight overhang, probably 6". i did notice a piece of flashing that's the full width of the skylight overhanging the vertical siding underneath the roof, i assume this goes under the skylight flange, but this seems a verry inadiquate solution, the thinking seems to be he knew water would get under the roof here and put the flashing there to try and stop it penetrating completely.
please advise, as we will likely be asking him to redo everything, and need some professional opinions to back us up.
thank you.
Guest User
2017-01-06 12:52:37.000000
Oops sorry!
Guest User
2017-01-07 00:08:30.000000
Do you have anyway to upload pictures, or email them to me? Todd@asktoddmiller.com
Todd Miller
2017-01-06 13:31:46.000000
At the very least, yes, it should be sealed if not flashed wherever possible to prevent water from getting behind the metal. At this point, proper flashing on several of these areas would require removal of the panels.