exposed metal fasteners

TOPIcs: Installation

exposed metal fasteners

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Really this would be best addressed by sending photos to the manufacturer of your roofing. However, in my opinion, it is important for all fasteners to be driven in squarely and to the same degree.
Todd Miller
2017-01-06 10:02:38.000000
I recently had a metal roof installed with exposed fasteners. After looking at the roof I noticed that the fasteners were overdriven, undriven to the point where they had a quarter inch gap between the metal panel and the gasket ring, and some were installed at a slant. The contractor came over and tightened up the undriven fasteners and said the overdriven ones and the ones put in at a slant would be fine. I would really appreciate your opinion on this and whether or not these fasteners can be fixed. Thank you.
Nicole DuBois
2017-01-06 09:03:55.000000
Its not ideal by any stretch. To me it is indicative of a lack of attention to detail to be honest. While the screws do have gaskets and can accommodate some off center axis via the compression of the gaskets, it sounds like there are bigger problems with the installation of this roof.
Eric Novotny
2017-01-06 10:01:58.000000