SS metal on 8'x36' RV TRAILER

TOPIcs: Installation

SS metal on 8'x36' RV TRAILER

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I cannot find a reputable roofing company who is willing to give me a total peak height of 4-6" with a light weight skeloton wood frame. The top of my roof is flat with multiple standing water spots. One roofer wants to lay the panels directly on my existing roof.(no way?)!! I can't put too much wood due to weight considerations. I feel a 4" peak would give me a 1:12 slope good enough for SS metal. So, wood goes around perimeter, then on top of existing ceiling rafters, then down the middle from front to back. Is this a good way and where can I find a company? SS metal has a minimum slope of 1/4:12.
Guest User
2016-11-11 12:34:06.000000
Than you.
Guest User
2017-02-22 01:48:03.000000
Anything at that pitch needs to be a double mechanical lock. More than doable and many companies should be able to accommodate. Have you check the MRA for a contractor locator?
Eric Novotny
2016-11-12 14:14:41.000000