Odd roof angle

TOPIcs: Installation

Odd roof angle

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Carl, any modular panel will be able to be installed in this situation.. if you are looking for a vertical seam look. some of the manufacturers that are members of the Metal Roofing Alliance can curve standing seam to this radius.
Dick Bus
2016-10-17 10:49:50.000000
I am going to restore an old house. I would like to put a metal roof on but the roof pitch is concave. I was wondering if metal is an option for this type of slope or if you could tell me the maximum amount concave angle could i use metal on.
Guest User
2016-10-17 10:03:28.000000
For a vertical seam panel, this would require a special;l curved panel which is a little more difficult to come by and a littler more costly than flat panels. From the look of it, most metal shingles could be installed on your roof and would handle the curve just fine.
Todd Miller
2016-10-17 10:38:41.000000