make sure you are using a paint system that has a PVDF base Resin system (also known as Kynar 500). for dark colors it is important as it will resist fade and chalk for a long period of time.
thanks for using metal.
Dick Bus
2016-07-25 16:14:25.000000
we decided on a black metal roof to replace shingles. negatives on heat involved?
Guest User
2016-07-25 14:58:29.000000
vented along entire top of both sections. good to hear. we don't see many black metal roofs on residential here. but the only color we liked that goes well with our green blue siding. Big Thanks.
Guest User
2016-07-25 16:05:09.000000
What type of attic? Vented? What color is the existing roof?
Regardless, the metal will be much better about letting go of the heat as compared to asphalt.