standing seam or proloc

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standing seam or proloc

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I am considering replacing a tar and gravel low slope roof with a metal roof. One contractor has quoted proloc and the other has said he could quote it but it not recommended for the pitch of my home 1:12 can anyone tell me which is better or who is right Thanks
Guest User
2016-06-14 19:37:33.000000
Thank you - it is a snap type system and you have made my decision much easier
Guest User
2016-06-16 17:24:52.000000
I am not familiar with a product spelled as "proloc". I would suggest contacting the manufacturer and inquiring about the minimum required roof pitch. No product should ever be used at a lower pitch than recommended by its manufacturer. Generally speaking a 1:12 pitch roof, in metal, will require a mechanically seamed standing seam system. I suspect that proloc is not that but instead is a snap lock system.
Todd Miller
2016-06-15 06:37:01.000000
Thanks. Snap lock systems are not to be used on that low of a pitch.
Todd Miller
2016-06-16 20:59:48.000000
+1 Snap lock is invariably going to leak on that pitch of a roof.
Eric Novotny
2016-06-17 06:27:53.000000