Have a new home (mountain style - 2 story - photo attached) under construction. Our GC says his best roofer is telling him that he would not put a metal roof on this house but is instead recommending asphalt roofing. Realize we do have a couple of valleys that "might" be problematic in a heavy snow year, but heavy snow is not the norm in this area.
Could you view a photo of the house and advise your thoughts?
Kathy Winch
2016-05-29 12:27:53.000000
There is no reason, not any that could be rationalized, as to why asphalt would be superior.
His "best roofer" just does asphalt and isn't familiar with metal is all. Now, do I want that guy putting on a metal roof for me...? No, but that doesn't mean that the issue is the material.
Metal roofing will out perform asphalt in every measurable category as well as aesthetics. If replacing the roof every 10-15 years is something that you like to do as a maintenance items, then asphalt is the roof you want.
Depending on the finishes for the siding and trim, a shake roof might look really good on that home.