Eave / Gutter flashing

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Eave / Gutter flashing

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Here's the actual picture of what I've got
Guest User
2016-05-22 01:54:07.000000
And another perspective
Guest User
2016-05-22 01:55:21.000000
Hi guys, I was reading the forum for a while, but although it looks like a simple matter and probably whatever way you do it is ok, I just can't find what's the preferred way to install gutter and eave flashing. My apologies if this question was already answered here. 1. Metal Sales Image II is so far on top of my research list, they have simple eave and extended eave options, what's are the condition to chose one over another? 2. Is the flashing on the attached image ok to go with? Older Metal Sales manuals have something similar but currently they just leave it up to the installer. They also mentioned gutters with integrated flashing, but as I understand the standard fascia-mounted gutters is the way to go. My worries is the screw penetrating the extended eave flashing - it has no waterproofing outside of underlayment and that the raised open hem on the bottom of the eave flashing wouldn't serve its purpose to prevent water going under the eave flashing. Even worse if the gutter clogs. I can see on this picture https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RDDMEN1x8xQ/Tgo7AuZIPXI/AAAAAAAAAC4/7_TEZcxfuZk/s1600/IMG_7114.JPG the brackets with the mounting screw go below the eave flashing. Generally, I'm trying to figure out if I'm up to challenge of installing DIY standing seams on a 4:12 roof, with a small attached garage being my playground (very simple gabble roof with rakewall and no penetrations). I've got integral gutters that I don't like and prefer to replace. Thanks, Mike.
Mike Tatarnikov
2016-05-19 18:54:36.000000
I'll take the actual picture when I get back home. Here's the schema of what I'm trying to do. I'll probably need to replace decking under the current gutters since they look leaking in some places, but that's expected. I don't have a metal breaker and I pretty much need to go with whatever components a roofing system has to offer. I'm not set on Metal Sales Image II (actively considering Fabral as well), but I'd prefer to go with all the standard components, though I can be patient with a seamer/hemming tool (after all it's a fun project for me, not a job). Mike
Mike Tatarnikov
2016-05-20 13:31:49.000000
Can you post up a close up picture of what you have currently? Do you have access to a metal brake to make your own starter/eave trim?
Eric Novotny
2016-05-20 09:02:18.000000
Built gutter isn't processing much water I bet. I would go with the metal panels you have and install a fascia board and hang the gutter from there. Put some Ice/water at the eave and fold it over the fascia board. Then install your starter/eave panel. Underlayment goes over that and then start your panels. The few screws going through the starter aren't going to create any leaks of significance if you do it like in the first picture.
Eric Novotny
2016-05-22 10:54:28.000000