Questions on new roof

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Questions on new roof

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We are getting ready to redo the roof on our camp,,14 by 24 building. Doing new decking,5/8 plywood. My question is,do we need furrin strips if we use double bubble on top of plywood. We do not spend a lot of time there,,couple weekends in winter if we are lucky.I have also looked at the synthetic roll,would this be a better option,sort of like the idea of double bubble for a bit of insulation,but I did read somewhere that the double bubble has to have 1 inch gap to be productive. Thanks in advance for any help.
Rick Duttry
2016-03-30 19:58:53.000000
I will be insulating inside camp so I did not see much benefit from bubble wrap. Do you recommend the synthetic paper or the roll paper. Dont mind buying the synthetic,,just a waste in a way,,sq foot on camp is 480 sq feet,and I believe there is quite a bit more in synthetic roll,dont know what I would use it for..
Rick Duttry
2016-03-31 15:53:38.000000
A radiant barrier does need an airspace to work properly and given your infrequent use of the structure, direct to deck with a proper synthetic underlayment is probably the better option here.
Eric Novotny
2016-03-31 05:28:59.000000
Synthetic is better. Be sure to use a temperature range that is suitable for metal roofing.
Eric Novotny
2016-03-31 16:34:50.000000