Mixing metal and composite roofing

TOPIcs: Is A Metal Roof Right For My House

Mixing metal and composite roofing

RETURN TO Is A Metal Roof Right For My House
Recently bought a 2 story house near ocean. Roof is currently comp, 10 years old and most in good shape. House is built in Chalet style with main 'A' style center having a 12/12 pitch and sides are 4/12. Problem is high winds (80+ MPH) off ocean have ripped comp shingles off the 12 /12 sides at the rear of house facing ocean rest of roof seems fine. Considering having just the 12-12 problem areas replaced with metal. Anyone done this?
Guest User
2016-03-26 19:32:47.000000
This can be done but do keep in mind that flashing it now for asphalt shingles on the 4:12 parts may make it more difficult to later install metal on those roof sections.
Todd Miller
2016-03-26 19:44:05.000000
Yes as Todd said previously. Keep in mind that as the normal constituents of what make up an asphalt shingle continue to break down, you will have blow off all over the roof. Contrast that with a metal roof that should not have any blow offs under non-hurricane events and you would be better served to look at the roof in total. There is probably an economy of scale in doing the roof in total so keep that in mind.
Eric Novotny
2016-03-27 08:57:29.000000