How are they supposed to fasten it at the hip then to secure it to the roof? Only 1 screw near the raised seam maybe?
Guest User
2016-03-23 23:07:57.000000
There will be hip flashing....makes me wonder how they are going to install that? There is no venting here on this hip.
Guest User
2016-03-23 23:39:34.000000
Hello, we are getting a new standing seam room installed and I was on the roof to take a look and noticed what appears to be excessive oil canning for such short panels. These panels are 18" wide zincalume. Were the installers supposed to nail down the panel at the ridge with so many nails (3 nails across top of each panel)? Wouldn't this restrict the panel from expanding/contracting and cause oil canning? Should they even be using nails (vs screws)?
I'm just not used to seeing oil canning on such short panels. Even the 2-3ft panels have oil canning. What should the spacing be for the UL clips? The panel is a SL1750. Could this oil canning may be a combination of over torquing the clips, widely spaced clips (3ft), and adding so many nails across the top?
Your feedback is appreciated. I would love to get this right before they proceed. See attached photo.
Stanley Stapp
2016-03-23 22:53:55.000000
Even short course panels can show a bit of oil canning depending on the decking and panel construction.
I must say that I have not seen nails, screws, or any other fastener applied like that on a hip.
Eric Novotny
2016-03-23 23:01:49.000000
Depends if the section is to be vented or not, but most often the metal is run long in that section and folded together to lock the panels in place and for water seal.