
use what is called a couple of chicken ladders with blocking under them to spread the load over several corrugations. then a couple of ladder jacks with a plank going across the two ladders.
Dick Bus
2016-02-03 17:49:12.000000
After I install 29 gauge corrugated steel panels on my shed roof, how do I install a ridge cap if the metal is to thin to walk on without denting it.
Guest User
2016-02-03 15:59:35.000000
Every video I watched shows that after the metal panels are put on the installer is walking on the roof and installs a ridge cap at the peak with foam closers underneath. How do you do that if the metal is to thin to walk on without denting the panels. The panels are attached directly to the rafters.
Guest User
2016-02-03 16:38:42.000000
Not sure of the question here? You can't ever really walk on the ridge in a metal application except on the seams where it is tight to the ridge and the strongest.
Eric Novotny
2016-02-03 16:04:44.000000