My concern is in regards to how much fastener pull out resistance the possibly deteriorated decking provides. This can be tested by using a steel strap to connect one of the roofing screws driven into the decking and then using an agricultural scale to see how much uplift it resists. I'd like to see at least 80 pounds of resistance.
Todd Miller
2016-04-18 13:20:44.000000
Hi Janelle,
Thanks for your question about metal roofing.
The IBC model building code includes language in section 1510.3.1 that addresses deteriorated existing roofs. When installing a metal roof, the fasteners and their securement are critical to the functioning of the metal panels.
I recommend removing and replacing deteriorated decking.
David Stermer
2016-04-18 15:50:55.000000
We want to install the farmstyle 5v crimp tin roof over our existing roof which is the roll roofing. Can this be done and how. Do we need to have 1x4 's down or lay directly on roll roofing,and is a layer of felt paper necessary as a barrier.Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Janelle Balmos
2016-01-07 11:59:44.000000
another question on this same roof. DELAYED due to TEXAS weather rain .we have a good portion of our roof covered in heavy ml plastic due to a leak which caused the inside sheetrock to collapse due to the wetness from the leak which was about a 4x8 piece. Anyways the QUESTION is when we do start to lay the tin does the weak spot on the roof above the inside damage need to be torn up and replaced. All is intact but I would not jump on it for a long time if you know what I mean. I know the right thing would to tear it all up and do it right but it is just my husband and Me on weekends .The roof is 40 ft across and 36ft up to the pitch with same on the other side and the affected area is about a 4x8 area .I know it is hard to describe but any answer will help. I thank you.
Janelle Balmos
2016-04-18 13:15:34.000000
If the substrate is good and flat, you don't need purlins. You will need some sort of underlayment/slip layer (felt or synthetic), but it can be installed directly overtop.