
TOPIcs: Is A Metal Roof Right For My House


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I have an existing asphalt shingle roof. It is a hip roof. Can I put a metal roof over existing asphalt hip roof?
Guest User
2016-03-19 14:23:50.000000
Here is something I have written on this subject: Generally speaking I would say though that if the metal roof being installed is a standing seam roof, it might be best to remove the old roof to help minimize the potential for oil canning in the new roof panels.
Todd Miller
2015-12-28 16:48:10.000000
Certainly. Follow manufacturer recommendations and realize that if your shingles are very curled that could force oil canning into flat metal panels. Some folks will use metal shingles on these applications as they are more forgiving when installed over uneven surfaces.
Todd Miller
2016-03-20 10:51:28.000000
I have an existing asphalt shingle roof that is about 20 years old. It does not leak but is weathered and shows it's age. I am interested in installing metal roofing OVER the existing shingles. Is this acceptable? I understand that this could yield a poor result. Is that correct? What will I need in order to apply a metal re-roof without adverse results? Thanks
Bill Dunkus
2015-12-28 16:40:47.000000