I posted this a week or so ago.... and got one response. :-( Can anyone point me toward more info.? Even alternate materials?? With a roof shape like this, how would a "vertical" ridge cap be made water tight etc.????
My sister has a small building in the US Virgin Islands. Lots of rain and wind and sun. Corrugated roofs are pretty much the "go-to" down there. I'll be going down for 2 weeks in January and we'd like to get a roof on it. It's a plywood roof, presently coated with a brush-on rubber roofing material.
The problem is the shape of the roof... It's basically "octagonal" - 8 "pie" pieces coming together at the peak. (much regret over choosing that style, but it's done :-( ).... I will attach a picture or two.
I'm "handy" but I've never done a roof like this. All materials will be from a Home Depot in Christianstead... I'm particularly interested/concerned with the vertical ridges... What material you use? width? attachment? under-layment of any type? should they be screwed on? riveted?
Obviously (?) there will be no overlap where the "pie pieces" come together - and nothing standard about how they line up next to each other...
- just looked at the photo and remembered that damn "porch" also... -- there are "valleys" where that meets the rest... :-(
ANY advice, thoughts, comments, questions, will be very much appreciated!
Chuck - See more at: http://www.metalroofing.com/v2/forums/index.cfm?action=mboard.members.viewmessages&ForumTopicID=8784&ForumCategoryID=62#sthash.RDIlOFvp.dpuf
Chuck Heller
2015-12-19 13:55:43.000000
- no, not really... If there's an absolute necessity there's a business we could go to for that but you don't think Home Depot will have pre-fab stuff we can use? ... What should a ridge look like on this sort of roof?
Chuck Heller
2015-12-19 22:59:00.000000
I think I can imagine what a dam leg is but I can't imagine making one with corrugated steel roofing...? Are there alternatives?
Chuck Heller
2015-12-20 07:44:57.000000
Do you have access to any bending tools?
Eric Novotny
2015-12-19 20:03:51.000000
Bending a small return on the ridge sections (like a dam leg) would help keep them water tight. You can probably do this with hand tools given the smallish size.