I think the company delivered the wrong lap screws. The manufacturer requires a lap screw where the ribs attach. It's a big rib (1.25" high) and 1" on the flat top. See attachment...I thought I should have got the 1/4 X7/8" lap screw shown in the user manual. I received a larger diameter screw with an 8mm head. The bag shows that they are a #14 X7.8 lap/stitch with 1/2" control seal. Is this correct? Which screw should I be using?
The photo shows the two types of screws I received with my order.
Guest User
2015-11-21 12:16:36.000000
Eric, doesn't a #14 screw (0.25" diameter) seem too big for lap screw?
Guest User
2015-11-21 15:15:51.000000
Washer does look small.
Eric Novotny
2015-11-21 13:43:28.000000
I would love to comment on this specifically but I am unfamiliar with that panel as we don't use it.
Perhaps a quick call to their tech support would get you the correct answers straight from the manufacturer and I am sure they can either FedEx the correct screws (if they sent the wrong ones) or tell you where to source them locally.