Solor Film

TOPIcs: Energy Efficiency

Solor Film

RETURN TO Energy Efficiency
We have a standing ridge metal roof. None of the solar film articles show it being applied to an existing roof; is this possible? We installed the roof, with tar-paper, and pink Styrofoam beneath the metal. We get bad hail storms. My roof has experienced dents but no failures, and is remarkably quiet. Will the solar film stand up to hail and would a dent or tear in the film render the system inoperable? How much energy can be generated with solar film?
Guest User
2015-11-18 14:30:41.000000
I would not suggest the field application of thin film solar. Application of that product requires a pressure lamination you will never achieve in the field. You can attach traditional PV solar panels to most standing seam roofs using clamps on the seams, rather than fasteners through the roofing system.
Todd Miller
2015-11-18 14:34:05.000000