Adding overhang on mobile home

TOPIcs: Installation

Adding overhang on mobile home

RETURN TO Installation
Hey guys I am gonig to put a roof on a mobile home that i rent out.... The last one i did i put down osb and made overhanges tying the osb into the overhang and running up the roof for support... then i put the metal down. However i have a home with a good metal roof, with a 2/12 pitch that has no overhang and the weather is getting in the doors and windows on the home.. Any ideas how to add an overhang with out having to redeck the old roof with osb/plywood? I was thinking hangers and 2x8 cut to length then screwed into the top plate.. tks
tony Gatto
2015-10-28 10:17:45.000000
Thanks Eric,,, that sounds about right.... I was even thinking of furing 1x over top of old roof but using plywood on the overhand and up the old roof a bit to support the overhang.... However if i can get hangers to be in there and hold weight it will save me a bunch of dollars on the plywood.
tony Gatto
2015-10-28 15:43:40.000000
Bolt a ledger of sorts into the fascia board, joist hanger from that, set the joists down a bit so that you can deck the overhang and terminate under the old roof, install new metal, and enjoy the dryness.
Eric Novotny
2015-10-28 10:24:50.000000

Old thread, but Im considering the same project with my 3:12 shingled 16x80.. But I want to add attic insulation, and have at least a 18"-24" overhang..
I don't think bolting 3:12 ladders to the top plate is going to be strong enough, but sure would be easier..
Im thinking I need two 10' 2x4's screwed to the tops of each truss to hang over 2' with hurricane straps securing them all to the top plate.. All doable, but keeping everything square and on 16" centers is my main concern, but how do you measure from a 80' string line?

Mike Kolder
2024-05-19 12:34:08.250443