Dutch Gable roof rake/hip flashing

TOPIcs: Installation

Dutch Gable roof rake/hip flashing

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Please give suggestions on how to trim the rake/hip transition of a Dutch Gable type roof (1.25" pitch). I'd like to use Gable trim on the gable rake area but there will be a gap between the gable trim and the hip trim at the rake/hip transition because the gable trim sits up about 1.25" above the rake area surface. See attached photo.
Guest User
2015-09-04 13:27:53.000000
Eric, I'm going to install an R panel metal roof over the existing multi-layer roof (rock removed). My question was in reference to the new metal trim. I think it will work out since the hip cap will go under the gable trim at the top edge of the main roof. The hip cap will most likely have to be "split" at the lower level roof surface since there will be no vertical gable trim at that point. What do you think of using the custom flashing shown in the attachment? This was just a practice piece, the actual flashing will be 20" wide so there's sufficient overlap on the top and bottom roof attachment areas. The height of the panel rib is 1.25" tall so I'll use this custom flashing in the transition area between the hip and rake. Any feedback is welcome. Best Regards, Beth
Beth Longbrake
2015-09-09 12:31:57.000000
What kind of roof are you considering or are you talking about flashing of the existing roof?
Eric Novotny
2015-09-05 09:03:28.000000
Opening for comment.
Eric Novotny
2015-09-09 16:30:34.000000