Inside closures ...yes or no ?

TOPIcs: Installation

Inside closures ...yes or no ?

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Randy, as long as he installed a drip edge you will be fine. The ridge on the other hand maybe a problem in driving rains if he did not install the closures.
Dick Bus
2015-06-11 14:00:55.000000
The eave trim should be ok regarding the rain. Snow dams would be a problem further up the roof, not at the eave. Insects could nest in the open cavities, but I think bugs will find a home in other places around the structure.
Dick Bus
2015-06-11 16:59:17.000000
Just had a Classic Rib steel roof installed, The roofer did not install inside closures on the eave end of the panels and I am not sure if he did on the peak either. what are your thoughts and opinions on this matter ? Randy
Randy Grunwald
2015-06-11 13:06:49.000000
What about wind driven rain and snow and insects and ice dams allowing water to back up under ridges on the eave end of the panels ?
Randy Grunwald
2015-06-11 16:42:32.000000