Depending upon where, seeing light at the ridge could be normal. The missed screw holes are not good and would have been better probably to put the screws in them. The dent does;t sound good. I do not think you're being petty.
Todd Miller
2015-04-16 20:14:15.000000
Alex, the viability of replacing an individual panel is dependent upon the type of metal roof it is.
Todd Miller
2015-04-24 05:35:18.000000
I recently had a 50x90 metal building put up with a living quarters in one end and farm shop occupying the rest. The contractors missed the 2x4's the were supposed to screw into for the roof and than removed these screws. So now, in a brand new roof, I have areas with holes that they filled in with latex caulk. To me this is not what I paid for. Am I being petty? There is also a section of tin under the ridge that it appears someone stepped on bending it downward (inward) and then it was pulled back up but you can tell ridge pattern/flow was disrupted. Some places I can see light at edges of ridge, is this normal?
Marilyn Lindstrom
2015-04-16 20:02:13.000000
Has anyone here ever replaced the actual exterior roof panel?