Z-closure caulking

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Z-closure caulking

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I did post this video showing the roof defects. Any comments on the construction? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0xn59XCRws
Guest User
2014-12-10 10:59:24.000000
Todd Miller
2014-07-26 14:50:33.000000
When I answered, I assumed you meant at the ridge/peak. If you were referring to a different roof area, sealing may not be necessary. This is actually something which would come from the roofing manufacturer in their instructions. Do you know whose roofing was installed? They should be able to confirm this for you.
Todd Miller
2014-07-26 15:12:10.000000
I am not aware of anything that can help you from a code standpoint. Again, I point you back to the manufacturer's specifications. Most manufacturers have their installation instructions available online. If you'd like a copy of my company's instructions showing this, please email me and request it. My email is tmiller@isaiahindustries.com
Todd Miller
2014-07-26 15:37:55.000000
Is it required to caulk the z-closure in the vertical gap between the closure and the standing seam under flashing on a snap lock installation? The roof pitch is 3-12.
Rod Herman
2014-07-26 12:50:01.000000
Is there any building code or industry standard that I can use to substantiate that requirement? My contractor did not do this and says it is not needed.
Rod Herman
2014-07-26 15:00:45.000000
The roof peak and the transition both have no caulk on the vertical gap between the Z-closure and the panel ridges. I was provided a diagram from the contractor that actually shows these gaps caulked. I found the defect when I had a leak. The contractor is not responding to my requests for a fix, so the building inspector is coming to my home on Monday. If there are any codes or industry guidelines, this may help motivate the contractor to correct the problem.
Rod Herman
2014-07-26 15:30:31.000000