
TOPIcs: Installation


RETURN TO Installation
I just had an exposed fastener metal roof installed by what was supposed to be a reputable company. At the very last panel I have a horizontal seam where the dormer meets the roof. They have one full panel installed at the rake end of the roof at the other dormer which is at the same distance to the rake as where they installed the first full panel. They are telling me that it was because they couldn't use a full panel because there was not enough room from the dormer edge to the rake edge. I watched the installation and I think they ran out of material on the site. They had 30' panels for some on the installation but did not have a full panel left to do the job right. Do you agree or am I missing something?
Dan Evangelista
2014-07-21 18:46:39.000000
A picture is going to worth a thousand words here Dan. Any chance you can post one up?
Eric Novotny
2014-07-22 11:13:50.000000