Specifications for Sidewall & Dormer Flashing

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Specifications for Sidewall & Dormer Flashing

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all I can say is I have no idea how they plan on finishing that skylight since they have the back pan already installed and a solid sheet above the skylight already I see problems and why of to the right do they 2 sheets and not a full sheet and flashing does go under siding but on top of the metal I think you need to find someone who has done a lot of metal to look at there work before you pay out for that roof
Guest User
2014-06-02 08:32:22.000000
Sorry I'm a bit slow at using this site, just noticed Eric's request for a picture of my finished skylights
Guest User
2014-09-23 21:40:04.000000
Another picture of skylight
Guest User
2014-09-23 21:45:05.000000
Thanks Larry. You and i faded email yesterday about the wall flashing ... these guys are right on the photo you attached here ... the skylight is not looking so good either.
Todd Miller
2014-06-02 09:04:12.000000
I agree that the Z should be sealed beneath it. As far as minimum slope, historically that would be the same as the minimum slope required by the standing seam panel itself. As far as your second question, I do not think so. By the way, things would be different for a sidewall that is not perpendicular to the eave. That changes things quite a bit.
Todd Miller
2015-01-12 08:26:47.000000
This question is for the experts: I'm presently having a metal roof installed on my home. The contractor said that this (picture included as an attachment) was the correct specification for side wall flashing. The material manufacture of the roofing material is Reurink Roofing and Siding Sales of Ionia, MI. I have requested from them a copy of their spec's for sidewall flashing as well as dormer flashing. I picked up a pamphlet from Menards that show how the metal flashing is installed using their specifications or recommendation. It shows the flashing under the siding on all the details. My contractor claim they are installing the flashing per the material suppliers specifications. What do you think of this method of keeping water from entering my home?
Larry Miller
2014-06-01 15:45:38.000000
Here is a picture of a skylight that we just installed. The curb was built, skylight was installed, then the sidewall flashing was installed under the skylight flashing kit. We used Butyl tape on the underside of the sidewall trim. looking at the picture of the skylight that you sent they seemed to have installed the sidewall flashing under the skylight flashing kit but they left the sidewall end open on one end and closed on the other with no caulking . If they did that with the skylight, I would like to see a picture of that chimney flashing.
Alan Ross
2015-01-13 18:01:59.000000
My questions are regarding the endwall flashing detail. I don't find that detail in my copy of Architectural Graphic Standards 10th edition. In reviewing manufacturers recommended installation procedures online, I find that the common detail for an endwall or dormer under a stucco endwall calls for Z trim fastened to the panel between seams. In these details, the Z trim is fastened to the flat of the panel with screws over sealant. The problem is at the edges of the Z trim where the trim abuts the standing seam. Logically, the edges of the z trim should be sealed with silicone or some other effective caulk. Otherwise, unless the edge of the trim is perfectly tight against the standing seam (not likely in the real world), the gap at that line represents an opportunity for water penetration, especially when the slop of the roof is 1:12 or even less. Do you agree? If not, why not? Also, (1) is there a minimum recommended slope for a standing seam roof against an endwall and (2) is there a specified relationship between the length of the flashing as it extends over the metal roofing toward the eve and the slope of the roof?
Charles Kilgore
2015-01-12 08:17:36.000000
Larry, I will open the thread up for discussion. There are a couple of things there that don't look right to me but we should get a picture of the finished installation as the flashing kit is not yet installed on that skylight.
Eric Novotny
2014-06-02 07:52:52.000000