curved roof

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curved roof

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I've got a roof with a curve in it, the ridge is literally an arc. Would a metal roof work at all for this? The square(ish) extension on the top right is a flat roof over the garage with a slight pitch, which I think is doable, but I'd like to find out if it would work for the main part of the garage.
Guest User
2014-05-29 22:09:09.000000
Some metal roofs will work on this and some will not. Through-fastened metal panels will not work. Standing seam will work if you have tapered standing seam panels. Some of the smaller metal shingle panels can be modified on the job site in order to work on this. Please feel free to email me at if you have further questions.
Todd Miller
2014-05-30 05:13:11.000000
+1 to Todd's comments. Very cool design by the way. It would look great in metal.
Eric Novotny
2014-06-02 07:50:27.000000