
TOPIcs: Installation


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Gail, it depends upon the type of metal roof being installed. Always adhere to manufacturer requirements and specifications. If the manufacturer can't give you an answer, look for a different product. :-) There are metal roofs that MUST be installed over battens, ,teal roofs that MUST NOT be installed over battens, and metal roofs that can be installed over battens or direct to deck.
Todd Miller
2014-07-21 05:42:16.000000
5V by definition has exposed fasteners. To avoid those, you will need to go to a concealed fastened system such as a standing seam or a metal shingle.
Todd Miller
2014-07-21 14:37:44.000000
The architects of my house want to put a "24 gauge galvalume concealed fastener striated metal roof installed over 1x4 lath laid diagonal to the ridge at 24 o.c. over ? OSB decking." What are the advantages and disadvantages? Is this a good idea?
Bob Conkright
2014-05-25 12:16:36.000000
Hi, I appreciate your response to my question following: On Wikipedia it states to install battens over the felt layer to attach the metal panels to. Is this necessary or can the roof be screwed to the sheathing. I will be insulating the ceiling below. Gail
gail kelly
2014-07-20 23:03:39.000000
I am doing a wrap around shed roof on back and part of side of house. It will come off side of two story back and go out approx. 10 feet. I will probably go with 5 Vcrimp galvanized panels, however I do not want to see the screws that are shown in some applications, so is possible? Thank you, Pat Rawlins
Pat Rawlins
2014-07-21 14:05:18.000000
Sounds pretty good. Should provide for some good overdeck, convective cooling.
Eric Novotny
2014-05-25 15:10:06.000000