
TOPIcs: Installation


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Hi, I am removing the existing shingles and installing steel roofing. I plan to cover the plywood deck with 30# felt and strip it on 24 inch centers with 1 inch boards.I am stripping it because the existing plywood has some wavy areas due to a lot of rain when it was initially roofed 25 years ago.Can I put the steel over this or is there some kind of condensation/ mold problem ? I have talked to some and they say I am going to have to insulate between the strips, but if I don't strip it I can install the steel right over the 30# felt. I guess I don't see why there should be any difference.
greg hoidahl
2014-05-22 10:23:05.000000
How is the attic vented? Ventilation for condensation is handled from the attic side and not the above deck/roofing side. I would run synthetic underlayment in lieu of the felt and any condensation issues will be moot at that point.
Eric Novotny
2014-05-23 07:16:13.000000