Telegraphing cap nails

TOPIcs: Installation

Telegraphing cap nails

RETURN TO Installation
Berger Roof Shield udl is locally available and provides a longer exposure time than many underlayments. I want to use it. It requires cap nails for install. My concern is that the projecting cap nails will telegraph through the metal. Will be using tuff-rib/ag rib exposed fastener. Will 29 gauge show the cap nails? Will 26 gauge?
Matt Hausmann
2014-05-01 14:13:35.000000
Cap nails are great for water penetration protection but they will print through if walk on the panel and one is tight. It is not a huge issue and a staple will hold the stuff down quite well if you want and are not planning long term exposure.
Eric Novotny
2014-05-02 20:04:44.000000