Milt, DIY installations are possible and I would encourage you to connect with a supplier who will work closely with you to help you evaluate the job and your needs. They also need to be a resource for you if you run into any questions.
Most of the slate look products require at least a 3:12 pitch. Does your roof have that?
Never use any product at a lower pitch than recommended by its manufacturer,
Todd Miller
2014-04-27 20:17:26.000000
I am planning on a new metal roof. I have a very simple roof, low slope. I would have to flash around a chimney, bathroom vent, and roof vents, on the main roof. On the garage and porch roof, I would have to flash against the second story. I am a relatively skilled DIY'er. Is there any particular reason I should not install my own metal roof? I am looking at the self locking, clip fastener system with the slate look system. Thanks.
Milt Tully
2014-04-27 14:37:02.000000
I have built a peaked roof over an existing flat roof. Trusses are set on 24" centers. I am now ready to put the metal roofing on. My flat roof was foam, and had major leaking problems over the year. I have vented my 46' x 21 ' roof on four corners plus the peaked vents on the gabled ends. I am still concerned about condensation. Also my city officials said I did not need a permit to build my roof. Do I still need to get an inspection done before installing the metal roofing. Couple of questions. What is the proper steps to install the metal roof. 1) drip edges, 2) 30 LB felt, 3, roofing. 4) gable end drip edges. My metal roof is exterior screws. Let me know please. Thanks.
Greg Perkins
2014-06-08 19:27:38.000000
Thank You.
Greg Perkins
2014-06-09 11:28:02.000000
The panel manufacturer should have very specific instructions with their panels and that is the default set that you are going to want to follow so that you preserve any warranty coverage.
Sounds to me like you don't need an inspection if they didn't require a permit.
Good luck and post back with more questions.