Hi there, I'm doing a standing seam metal roof and have run into a slight problem. I have a situation where a short hip runs into an end wall (with fascia and soffit). Along the rake I am using trim that is similar to an eave trim and bending the panel over/under that (like at the eave), so I don't have a true rake trim that would cover this intersection. I'm wondering how I go about putting in the hip cap, end wall and rake trim at this point. Any insight or photos or details would be greatly appreciated!
I've included a quick sketch of the area in question...
Guest User
2014-03-13 13:38:31.000000
The hip needs to terminate under the rake flashing in a shingle lap fashion.
Guest User
2014-03-26 01:30:45.000000
You mind taking a picture of the home. The sketch is harder to visualize.