Insulation and a metal roof system

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Insulation and a metal roof system

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I have a client that as a shallow pitched roof (less than 3/12). It currently has asphalt shingles. We are looking at replacing it with some type of metal roof system. The issues is the construction is pre 1960s, the joist are 2X4 16" on center and the space between the ceiling and roof sheeting is the only insulation space (vaulted ceilings inside). There does not appear to be any type of roof ventilation in the house. Is there a simple, cost effective way to increase the insulation factor for her roof with out a total rebuild. Ideally there should be roof ventilation but to build the batten system up high enough to increase the R factor as well as add some ventilation space is difficult. The woman is on a fixed income and w e have limited resources to do all of the work.
Tony Sjogren
2014-02-21 13:15:33.000000
Tony, So there is no venting now? Does the client have any issues with condensation or rot? Easiest way is as you mention by insulating the roof deck on the top and building in some sort of over deck venting. Not the cheapest though but it will be right.
Eric Novotny
2014-02-22 12:18:00.000000