1-Piece Or 2-Piece Clips

TOPIcs: Installation

1-Piece Or 2-Piece Clips

RETURN TO Installation
I'm not convinced that my contractor is well versed with double lock installations and I'm concerned whether the correct clips are being used. In order to allow for movement, is there a requirement for using two piece clips anytime you utilize a double lock or is the use of the two piece clips dependent upon certain factors i.e. material type and panel length. In other words, are there circumstances where one piece clips can be used with a double lock installation? Thanks you in advance for your help!
Chris Vadino
2013-12-15 11:09:00.000000
Drexel Metals, Inc.
Chris Vadino
2013-12-16 07:29:30.000000
What panel/metal manufacturer is being used?
Eric Novotny
2013-12-15 18:23:52.000000