Requesting your advice on a project in Olympic Valley Ca (96146) where we are at 6500' elevation and get approximately 400" snow annually. The ground snow load is 363 psf, and the truss system is designed with a Pg of 330 psf. The trusses are on 12" centers with 5/8 cdx over the top. Slope is 5:12 -- simple gable, no penetrations, and only one cricket (chimney at eve).. We are planning a standing seam roof with hidden fasteners.My question to you is which is the best seaming (e.g. click lock, mechanical, roll) technique to prevent water intrusion, and maximize drag resistance?
Thank you, Steve Burke
Guest User
2013-11-17 12:06:07.000000
If you are looking for an impervious system to water, mechanical lock is superior.