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What is the correct process for attaching metal flashing above metal awning attached to stucco wall. Installer wants to caulk only. I know in short time in Texas caulk will dry, crack and peel away from stucco. Can you direct me to info for solving this issue? Thanks, JT.
Guest User
2013-11-01 15:58:06.000000
If you can't either cut a reglet into the stucco, or get up behind the stucco, then I would suggest a termination bar fastened to and through the flashing into the wall. This can be something like stainless steel bar stock.
Todd Miller
2013-11-02 10:38:40.000000
+1 Always want to see some sort of kerf cut into the stucco at a minimum.
Eric Novotny
2013-11-04 08:46:03.000000