Calfire ventilation requirements
I am putting a ribbed metal roof over 4x12 rafters at 24" oc. 3/12, and 4/12 pitched shed roofs. (residence) The ceiling will be vaulted. I am using R-38 batt insulation. The space above the insulation is of course for air flow.
My question is.... New California regulations call for a fire proof system of venting. I have found ventilation solutions for a vaulted situation for Comp roofing. (Vulcan vents) Do you know of a solution for metal roofing. Some sort of strip vent at the top and bottom??
Jamie Canon
2013-10-03 10:24:03.000000
If the concern is ember intrusion, there are metal screens of a finer mesh that can accomplish that goal and can be utilized in metal roof systems.