Improper lap?

TOPIcs: Installation

Improper lap?

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I am talking about a vertical lap, the width between two ribs (9") The lap would be 9" wide by 17'-6" along the slope of roof.
Guest User
2013-09-23 08:02:27.000000
Metal is the way to go! Thanks for your reply.
Guest User
2013-09-23 08:37:48.000000
I'm sorry ... I am not clear. Are you referring to a horizontal lap or a vertical lap?
Todd Miller
2013-09-22 19:40:04.000000
I would suggest running a bead of sealant along the exposed edge just to help prevent a lot of water from running in there and getting "stuck". However, I do not think you will have any negative ramifications form this. Thanks for choosing metal!
Todd Miller
2013-09-23 08:07:04.000000
I am installing an exposed fastener raised rib metal roof with a 9/12 pitch. The width of the roof worked out so that if i lapped a panel 9" I would not have to trim the panel. I am concerned about premature panel or fastener failure due to possible capillary action drawing water up between the panels where this lap is. Would appreciate comments on this issue.
colin roberts
2013-09-22 10:59:45.000000