Thanks Eric and Todd! I checked with the manufacture and Yes, UDL 30 may be installed directly over the felt.
Guest User
2013-08-28 12:46:01.000000
I would check with Titanium as final authority as they know their product the best but I feel it's fine to leave the felt in place.
Todd Miller
2013-08-28 07:41:22.000000
My new construction has 30lb roofing felt installed but now changing from shingles to a metal roof. Titanium UDL 30 will be used as the underlayment. Should the existing felt be removed prior to installing the UDL or may the UDL be installed directly over the tar paper? The roof will be unvented over cathedral ceilings.
Neal Young
2013-08-28 07:01:03.000000
Should be fine. The woven polys are very durable and should be fine. I would, as Todd recommends, check with Titanium but I don't foresee any problems.
Eric Novotny
2013-08-28 09:18:26.000000
Post up some update pictures. We love seeing the updates from posters on their projects.
Good luck and keep us posted.