Plumbing Jacks

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Plumbing Jacks

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Saw a 23 year old metal shingle roof today, but none of the plumbing vents had jack flashings - just a ton of "goop." Seems wrong, but I don't see a lot of metal roofs in my area.
Guest User
2013-04-17 00:58:45.000000
Paul, with that particular type of metal roof, it is possible there is a flashing underneath the shingles that brings water back out on top of the next lower course of shingles. In that case, the goop is just a protective measure but not the full defense against water. That said, this still would not be the flashing method prescribed by the product's manufacturer which would have been Alcoa Building Products at the time, now Classic Metal Roofing,
Todd Miller
2013-04-17 05:08:13.000000
+1 There probably is an underpan there but I would prefer to see a proper roof boot in this case.
Eric Novotny
2013-04-18 10:31:57.000000