Steel Roof - To Strap or Not to Strap?

TOPIcs: Installation

Steel Roof - To Strap or Not to Strap?

RETURN TO Installation
There are rare instances when battens have benefit in my opinion, usually in situations where there is limited opportunity for attic ventilation or insulation. In most situations, though, I see no benefit to battens and they do have the drawback of raising the roof level. Rather than focusing on the battens or not battens, I would focus on things like base metals, coating types, fastening method, and the quality of the installer as important criteria in your decision.
Todd Miller
2013-04-11 16:25:47.000000
I have pretty much decided on a steel roofing system (instead of aluminum) for my home. However, the key question now is: Installation of one steel product goes on top of vertical and horizontal wood straps. Installation of the other steel product goes on top of a membrane (no strapping). Both companies have told me that their system is the superior, and that the other system is ripe with problems. So, what is the better way to install a steel roof? On wood straps, or on a membrane / underlayment?
mark duley
2013-04-11 16:13:27.000000
+1 I wouldn't make a decision on one system or the other based on the battens or direct to deck application.
Eric Novotny
2013-04-11 16:29:46.000000