Gas Furnace Vent Flashing

TOPIcs: Installation

Gas Furnace Vent Flashing

RETURN TO Installation
I'd suggest you look into Dektite brand penetration flashings.
Todd Miller
2013-04-11 13:44:51.000000
I am installing a new roof on an existing home. This home has a gas furnace with a vent pipe through the roof. The steel roofing is R-panel profile. The vent pipe is about 8-10" in diameter. What would be the best way to flash around this vent? Thank you!
Andy Colglazier
2013-04-11 13:41:24.000000
+1 They make great stuff and you can bend that stuff down to any contour. Really great stuff.
Eric Novotny
2013-04-11 14:05:57.000000