Painted Metal versus Unpainted

TOPIcs: Energy Efficiency

Painted Metal versus Unpainted

RETURN TO Energy Efficiency
We are about to put a new metal roof on our lakehouse near Tallahassee, FL. We are very interested in energy efficiency and would like to know if there have been any tests done to rate unpainted galvalum roofs versus the painted metal roofs. Our roofer said he is not aware of any since its the paint companies that are paying for the tests. We would like the unpainted metal roof, but if a painted metal roof is more energy efficient, we would consider that.
Guest User
2013-04-11 11:21:22.000000
You will have greater emissivity and probably more sustainable reflectivity with a painted roof, assuming it is either light colored or it incorporates reflective pigment in a darker color.
Todd Miller
2013-04-11 11:27:52.000000
+1 The paints have come quite a long way and will 100% add to the performance when it comes to rejecting solar heat.
Eric Novotny
2013-04-11 14:07:03.000000