metal roof over shiingles

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metal roof over shiingles

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Is it ok to put a steel roof over two layers of shingles or do the shingles have to be removed first.
Guest User
2013-03-16 10:46:37.000000
Short answer is probalby not. Outside of code or engineering concerns, there's a good chance you'll run into aesthetic issues going over two layers of shingles. In all probablity the shingles aren't laying flat so going directly over them with the metal shouldn't be considered. You may still run into telegraphing and severe oilcanning problems if you strip the roof out before installing the metal.
Guest User
2013-04-04 09:51:48.000000
I have a mobile home with a 4:12 pitch. It has a cathedral ceiling and the ceiling is fastened to the underside of the rafters (no ventilation). Can I install metal roofing directly on existing asphalt shingles or do I need to put verticals and horizontals?
Guest User
2013-06-29 08:36:08.000000
This is done on occasion, thanks to the design and low weight of metal roofing. However, I would suggest review by an experienced contractor or engineer first as well as making sure that this installation is within all applicable building code requirements.
Todd Miller
2013-03-16 10:55:55.000000
With that pitch and roof style, you could choose from about any type of metal roof.
Todd Miller
2013-04-22 05:10:01.000000
In your particular case, I am concerned about the metal roof transmitting cold and causing condensation problems that have not existed prior. I would suggest either getting some ventilation in there (which would be accomplished by cross battening) or perhaps some insulation between the old shingles and the new roof.
Todd Miller
2013-06-29 10:47:24.000000
I have a manufactured home double wide. i have regular shingles and it time to to do new shingles. i am interested in metal. Not sure what would be the type would be the best to install. pitch is 4-12 i believe.
mavis olson
2013-04-21 22:13:10.000000
Hanging the roof on battens/purlins would probably eliminate any of that potential but I am of similar opinion in that it does not make good sense.
Eric Novotny
2013-04-05 18:28:46.000000