Standing Seam Fasteners

TOPIcs: Installation

Standing Seam Fasteners

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Kent, I agree with David. I have only seen screws used with metal roofing. It also appears to me that the perimeter of the roof was not properly secured. Make sure when installing a new roof that it meets the requirements of ASCE-7 for wind zone.
Dick Bus
2013-02-25 17:12:49.000000
Kent, Wow, I hope no one was injured! Standing seam clips are typically held down with more than one fastener. In my experience, screws are more common than nails because screws have significantly better pull-out resistance than nails. Regards, David Stermer
David Stermer
2013-02-25 16:43:11.000000
I have a standing seam roof that was 6 years old. I say was because the wind blew 40% off today during high winds of about 40 - 50 MPH. Upon inspecting the sections that is hanging off the house, I noticed that each fastener clip was only secured with a single standard roofing nail. The clips have pre-drilled holes for 2 fasteners. Should screws have been used for a standing seam install?
Kent Burgess
2013-02-25 16:31:17.000000
Thanks for the input. The roof perimeter originally had the proper edging but it was ripped of with the roof since it only was fastened with roofing nails. After reviewing all the reference material I could find recommending the use of screws for installation and the number of fasteners per clip, the builder said it was the fault of the OSB roof sheathing. I have 7/16" radiant barrier OSB all edge supported on 16" center rafters. All specs I could find indicate that is acceptable. He claims it should have been plywood and then the nails would have held. Interesting that that was not expressed as a concern when he quoted the job. I have been a USAA member for 43 years so I turned it over to them. Don't expect much. :(
Kent Burgess
2013-03-06 23:37:57.000000